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About Us

Project CREATION exists as an educational and resource ministry to help Christians educate and empower themselves to oppose the humanist/ evolutionist establishment and philosophy.

Sean Meek, Executive Director of Project CREATION, travels nationally speaking on such topics as: Creation is the Foundation, The Curse of Compromise, Including Creation in the Curriculum and God's Revelation in Science and the Bible. Mr. Meek is available to speak at church services, Sunday school classes and other groups on the Biblical and scientific aspects of creation.

Creation Store

Books & Resources

Click thumbnail to view larger image, inside spreads, excerpts, book reviews and more information where available.

Alien Intrusion

Item # 0890514356

Price: $15.00

A Biblical and scientific examination of the claims about alien encounters and government cover-ups and the researchers looking for them.


Body by Design

Item # 0890512965

Price: $14.00

Did Adam Have a Bellybutton?

Item # 0890513708

Price: $11.00

Did Eve Really Have an Extra Rib?

Item # 0890513708

Price: $11.00

Dinosaurs of Eden

Item # 0890513406

Price: $14.00

A Biblical jouney thru time as it takes you to Eden and then thru history to see the real story of dinosaurs.

Dragons of the Deep

Item # 0890514240

Price: $16.00

All about ocean monsters of the past and present.

Exploring Planet Earth

Item # 0890511780

Price: $14.00

Exploring the History of Medicine

Item # 0890512485

Price: $14.00

Exploring the World Around You

Item # 0890513775

Price: $14.00

Exploring the World of Chemistry

Item # 0890512957

Price: $14.00

Exploring The World of Mathmatics

Item # 0890514127

Price: $14.00

The story of the numbers we use everyday.

Exploring The World of Physics

Item # 0890514666

Price: $14.00

How the world works and how our machines reshape it.

Footprints in the Ash: The Explosive Story of Mount St. Helens

Item # 0890514003

Price: $17.00

The definite book on the 1980 explosion and its aftermath.

In Six Days

Item # 0890513414

Price: $15.00

Men of Science, Men of God

Item # 0890510806

Price: $8.00

Refuting Evolution 2

Item # 0890513872

Price: $13.00

The most up-to-date revealing the deceptions and frauds behind the most widely promoted evolutionary stories.

The Annals of the World

Item # 0890513600

Price: $70.00

The history of the world from Creation to AD 70. Includes Biblical and secular history in the most complete history book ever written. Includes a bonus CD of maps and timelines, 960 pages.

The Astronomy Book

Item # 0890512507

Price: $16.00

The Fossil Book

Item # 0890514380

Price: $16.00

How fossils are formed and what they tell us about the pre-Flood earth.

The Geology Book

Item # 0890512817

Price: $16.00

The Grand Canyon

Item # 0890513732

Price: $17.00

A visual and scientific examination of the formation of the Canyon

The Great Alaskan Dinosaur Adventure

Item # 0890512329

Price: $11.00

The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved!

Item # 0890512825

Price: $11.00

The Ocean Book

Item # 0890514011

Price: $16.00

The mystery and beauty of the oceans and its creatures.

The Weather Book

Item # 0890512116

Price: $16.00


Item # 0977374009

Price: $14.00

Fighter pilot Steve Harrison is a Christian who wants to do God's will. When his brilliant wife, Jill, suggests he consider his deference to taking life in combat, he struggles with the question and asks God for direction.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation

Item # 0890513716

Price: $35.00

The best book on the basic issues involved in the Creation / evolution econtroversy. Excellent for homeschool or family study.

Woolly Mammoth

Item # 0890515085

Price: $16.00

The questions of what happened at the end of the Ice Age and why the woolly mammoth disappeared have been asked by many. Unfortunately, the answers given are usually in line with an evolutionary world view. Author Michael Oard gives biblically and scientifically sound answers to these relevant questions for young readers in an exciting story of one boy and his family.

Young Earth

Item # 0890511748

Price: $15.00


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